Share data across devices without internet access. iOS Multipeer Connectivity

Boris Bugor
6 min readAug 5, 2023
Photo by James Lewis on Unsplash

Multipeer Connectivity is an alternative to the common data exchange format. Instead of exchanging data via Wi-Fi or Cellular Network through an intermediate broker, which is usually a backend server, Multipeer Connectivity provides the ability to exchange information between multiply nearby devices without intermediaries.

The technology itself for the iPhone and iPad is based on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, while for the MacBook and Apple TV, a similar technology was organized via Wi-Fi and Ethernet.

From here, the pros and cons of this technology immediately follow. The advantages include decentralization and, accordingly, the ability to exchange information without intermediaries.

Disadvantages — sharing is limited to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth coverage for iPhone and iPad, or Wi-Fi and Ethernet for MacBook and Apple TV. In other words, the exchange of information can be carried out in the immediate vicinity of the devices.

Integration of Multipeer Connectivity is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  1. Project preset
  2. Setup visibility for other devices
  3. Scan for visible devices in range
  4. Creating a pair of devices for data exchange



Boris Bugor
Boris Bugor

Written by Boris Bugor

Indie iOS Developer | Entrepreneur | Dreamer

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