Published inITNEXTStructure Oriented Programming VS Protocol Oriented Programming in SwiftPhoto by Mathew Schwartz on UnsplashNov 5, 20233Nov 5, 20233
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Published inBetter ProgrammingOperationQueue + Asynchronous CodeUsing OperationQueue for asynchronous code may seem like pure hell, but there’s another waySep 23, 2023Sep 23, 2023
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Published inBetter ProgrammingCreating and Modifying UIKit Components Like in SwiftUIProtocol-oriented programming is one of the most powerful and flexible tools for competent composition and distribution of responsibilityDec 4, 20243Dec 4, 20243
Published inBetter ProgrammingState Management Using Protocol-Oriented Programming + GenericsIn this article, I would like to show one of the most convenient ways to manage the state of an object using a protocol-oriented approachJul 22, 20234Jul 22, 20234
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